Tuesday 19 June 2012

No Galway, No Frameworks...

My God, not only have I missed out on Galway Film Fleadh 2012 (by submitting a very rough cut of the latest 'cutbacks' short film - 'Jack O' Metti'), but my Frameworks application 'The Master Animation of Sister Camera' has also been shot down - not even shortlisted... It's been one hell of a June!

'Jack O' Metti' is still unfinished - if I'm not careful, it'll miss the deadline for Cork Film Festival too! Must get ass in gear...

On Frameworks... I've long been coming to terms with the fact that neither of our potential funders (RTE or IFB) are getting their heads around the 'cutbacks' project, or it's triggering all sorts of alarm bells with them - it's political, unpredictable, internet-based, ad-libbed and it's self-funded. For all I know, RTE and the Film Board probably hate the 'cutbacks' project at this stage... Do I persist with 'cutbacks', or abandon it and move onto new projects? My current inclination is to reduce my 'cutbacks' activity somewhat,  to allow me to develop my other projects...

Believe me, other projects are on the way... Even I'm almost excited by the prospects!

BTW, I will be in Galway as ever for the 2012 Film Fleadh. I look forward to it (even if I'm the one wearing the black armband...)

In the meantime, here are John and Edward in Chernobyl...

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